Things That Belong in a Safe That You May Have Not Thought Of
A home security safe is one of the easiest ways to store your valuable things securely. Purchasing a home security safe is a wise investment.
Home security safes are a perfect way to store your valuable objects and keep them secured from damage or harm. These safes are designed to resist fire, bullets, water damage, etc. and can withstand natural disasters like tornadoes, hurricanes, and earthquakes. Therefore, if an unfortunate situation occurs, your valuables will be safe and you will be able to retrieve them in a good condition.
Most individuals use safes for storing things such as cash, jewelry, guns, critical documents, etc. But that’s not all that belongs to your safe. There are many other things you can store in it.
Following are some things you should store in your home security safe:
- Safe deposit box keys
You probably have a safe deposit box in some bank that you use to store your precious assets. It is important to keep the keys of that deposit box in a safe place where you can access them quickly in the time of need. Additionally, by storing them in your home security safe, you will have a peace of mind knowing exactly where they are.
- Social Security Cards
Social security cards are often required to establish eligibility for social welfares and other government needs. So it’s best to keep them in your safe.
- Debt Details/Credit Statements
It is recommended to store the details on any due dates, outstanding debts, and relevant contact information in the safe. These documents are required to be referred to on daily basis to avoid bad credit and stay on top of your finances.
- Mementos
Most of us have mementos that we never want to lose and want to keep those pieces of emotional history safe because they are priceless. For example, an object given by your grandfather as a keepsake is irreplaceable, and storing it in an unsafe place is not the best idea. Such things should be locked away safely.
- Medical Information
Information about prescription medications, family doctors, as well as contact details for pharmacies you use is invaluable and you should be able to access it for health benefits, particularly if you need regular supply of new medication. So your home security safe is the best place to store it.
- Backups and Electronic Media
This is the era of digital media. There are many forms of electronics we use to store our memories. We store hundreds of important images and videos on hard drives and CDs and then store them in a drawer or cabinet. Keeping your memories and sensitive data safe in a secure place is definitely very important, therefore, they belong in a safe.
The list of electronic media you can store in a safe is huge. The list includes laptops, backup disks, hard drives, CDs and DVDs, USB flash drives, cameras, lenses, video tapes, and video equipment, etc.
There are a lot of other things you would benefit from securing in a safe when you take the time to assess your possessions and where they are currently stored.
Dib’s Safe & Lock Service is a family owned and operated business with 90 years of experience proudly providing locksmith services and safe sales to customers in San Bernardino County and the surrounding areas…many of whom will quickly refer to us as the best locksmith in Inland Empire. If you need immediate service, or have questions, give Dib’s a call today at (909) 885-0452.